Specific Learning Differences, ADHD and Autism
What are Specific Learning Differences(SpLDs)?
Specific learning differences, sometimes referred to as ‘Specific learning difficulties’ or ‘SpLD’ is an umbrella term that is used to describe the different strengths and challenges that people experience when they are learning or processing information. You will often hear dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, Autism, AD(H)D and other neurodiversity referred to as SpLDs.
At Arden, we use the term ‘Learning Difference’ rather than ‘Learning Difficulty’ because the use of ‘difficulty’ focuses on the individual rather than the barriers an individual experiences in a non-inclusive environment. ‘Learning difference’ recognises the value of diversity of thought and the strengths that this can bring.
If you’d like to find out more about SpLDs, you are welcome to talk to us in the Inclusion Services team and we are happy to provide information, signposting and access to support if appropriate. Email inclusion@arden.ac.uk and check back here for further updates and support.